Sunday, October 23, 2016

Cadair Idris

Back to Snowdonia National Park to climb the mountain Cadair Idris with the Aber Hiking Club. Not quite as tall as Snowden, 893 meters in elevation, but still a really nice climb. The route we took was challenging but also doable. The leaves and grasses are starting to change, creating some stunning sights.
The ascent:

The top of the mountains are covered in clouds.

It was a cloudy day so the top of the mountain was really cold, wet, and windy with no views. But we did make it to the top! I promise.
The descent:
Clouds finally clearing so we can see the views!

Some steep declines.

A random sheep! It didn't want to pose..

Some interesting effect shots:

Sun is finally shining through!

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Embarking on my first adventure solo! I took a train from Aber to a little town down the coast, Borth. With rocky beaches, sheep everywhere, and great views, I had a nice quiet day exploring.
I absolutely love how the houses are different colors. I keep on seeing it and I can't resist posting more pictures.

A cute little church

I met these cuties on my way to the zoo. They kindly posed while I played with settings on my camera.

What a view to be mowing hay with!

And of course more sheep.

St. Matthew's Church
Borth Animalarium Zoo:

Albino Wallaby!

My favorite zoo animal! Look at that smug grin!

Palm Civet

St. Matthew's Church at a distance.

Borth Train Station Museum:

The people who have renovated this quaint station stop into a museum are to be commemorated for their efforts. Three rooms full of history!